Thursday, September 23, 2010

make something.

Architecture is a demonstration of the tradition, the history and/or the culture of the people and the community for which it was designed and constructed for.

Utilizing the field of architectural preservation through adaptive reuse, I will be looking to preserve the rich cultural background of Hong Kong through its tenement buildgins leftover from the British Colonial period.

The design of these tenement buildings is very unique to the area and was established with its mixed-use purpose during the colonization of the city to provide for the growing urban population at the time.  Unfortunately, with small commercial spaces on the ground floor and residences above, tenements have gradually been replaced with apartment highrises that are more spatially efficient.

Architecturally, their design combines strong cultural representations of the two primary powers in the area, with traditional Chinese Guangzhou-style construction and British Neoclassical ornamentation and characteristics.

Through adaptive reuse, one can preserve the historic and cultural significance of a structure for its native environment.  Famous examples include the Tate Modern in London, and the Padres' PetCo Park in San Diego.

The specific site I would like to focus on is the Mallory & Burrows St. tenements.  As a back-to-back block of 10 tenement buildings, this would be a great opportunity to redesign the space for a more advantageous amenity while still preserving the cultural aesthetic.

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